Instagram Shopping Guide: Turn Your IG Into Online Revenue.

Instagram Shopping Guide: Turn Your IG Into Online Revenue.

Instagram Shopping Guide: Turn Your IG Into Online Revenue.

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The role of social commerce has become the topic every marketer talks about these days. And when Facebook has a feature dedicated to selling products right on the page, why can't Instagram get the love too?

Before we continue to create an Instagram for Business account, let's get to know what Instagram Shopping is and how it helps your brand drive more sales directly on the page.

What Is Instagram Shopping?

Instagram Shopping is a feature on IG designed for brands who want to increase sales directly on their page. IG has added a section dedicated to displaying different shops in one place, and each shop can create catalogues to show on their page. Brands can promote and drive more sales quickly through Instagram Shopping.

IG Shopping Example

1. Show off your goods with Product Tag

One of IG Shopping's greatest features is the Product Tag which allows brands to tag product information directly on the image, much like when you tag your friends. Users can click to see more information instantly. This feature is also available when you boost the post or launch ad campaigns, generating CTR and drive product sales significantly.

2. Tag your product in Stories with Shopping Stickers

Shopping Stickers on Stories can show your product information just like post tags. This feature could prove helpful as statistically, the audience spends more time sliding through IG Stories than scrolling post timeline. But a Story lasts only 24 hours, so the brand needs to come back to update content every day.

3. Get more insight to work on

Aside from basic information provided in the insight section, posts with product tags or stories with Shopping Stickers will offer you the number of times people click into that tag and complete purchase counts. Marketers can work on this useful information to improve their strategy even further.

4. Checkout on IG? Or view on website?

IG added another feature to support brands on closing sales more easily directly on the app. The Checkout button allows customers who wish to buy products without switching to another app to complete the purchase. Unfortunately, this feature is still under the beta phase and is not available in Thailand. But instead, we now have the 'View on website' button to drive traffic to websites.

What to Prepare Before Setting up a Shop

  1. Instagram for Business account

  2. Facebook for Business account

  3. Product images and information

  4. Website to complete a purchase, as IG Checkout is not available in Thailand yet

How to Set Up IG Shopping

Opening Instagram for Business Acccount

1. Check terms and conditions

Read about Instagram Shopping's conditions. Make sure your brand complies with the Commerce Product Seller Agreement and Commerce Eligibility Requirements.

2. Switch to Business account

Change your brand's account into Instagram for Business account; as the IG Shopping condition states, only business accounts can access this feature. A business account also allows you to observe backend data in the insight section and adds credibility to your account as a whole.

  1. Click on the ꠵ button on the top right of your profile page

  2. Go to "Settings"

  3. Click “Account”

  4. Scroll down and tap "Switch to Professional Account"

  5. Enter the all required information

3. Connect with your Facebook Page

Connecting Instagram for Business account with Facebook Page is required in IG Shopping's condition. You also need to add products in Facebook catalogue as follows:

  1. Go to Instagram for Business account

  2. Go to “Edit Profile”

  3. Tap “Page”

  4. Choose the Facebook Page you want to connect with

  5. If you don't have a Facebook Page, choose "Create Facebook Page"

4. Upload product catalogue to Facebook For Business

There are 2 ways to upload your catalogue to Facebook Page:

  1. Upload by yourself via Commerce Manager.

  2. Connect to a third-party eCommerce platform partnering with Facebook, such as Shopify or BigCommerce.

5. IG Shopping account review

Once you've connected a product catalogue to your Instagram and have products in your catalogue, submit your account for review by following these steps. Account reviews typically take a few days but sometimes can take longer.

  1. Go to your business's Instagram profile and tap

  2. Select "Settings".

  3. Sign up for shopping

  4. Follow the steps to submit your account for review.

  5. Visit "Shopping" in your "Settings" at any time to check your status.

Some businesses may be notified that additional information is necessary to prove ownership of your website domain. If you receive this notification, follow the steps to complete our domain verification process to submit your account for review.

6. Turn on Instagram Shopping

Once your account is approved, you can turn on shopping featuresNote: If you don't see Shopping in your settings, your account is probably still under review or hasn't been approved for Instagram Shopping.

  1. Go to your business's Instagram profile and tap ꠵

  2. Select "Settings".

  3. Tap "Business" and then tap "Shopping".

  4. Select the "product catalogue" that you want to connect to your account.

  5. Select "Done".

You can finally access all the features IG Shopping has to offer. It's time to learn how you can use those features and drive sales for your brand!

Instagram Shopping Account

How to use Product Tags in posts

To tag products within an Instagram post, start by uploading a photo as you normally would and follow the below instructions before posting:

  1. Tap "Add photo".

  2. Add a caption.

  3. Tap on "Tag products".

  4. Tap on photo.

  5. Search for product.

  6. Select product.

  7. Tap "Done".

  8. Tap "Share"

How to use Shopping Sticker in Stories

Immediately after you've chosen an image for your story, follow the below instructions before posting:

  1. Tap the sticker icon in the top right-hand corner.

  2. Select the product sticker from the sticker tray.

  3. Select the product from your catalogue that you want to feature.

  4. Move the product sticker to where you would like it to appear on your story.

  5. Change the text colour of the product sticker by tapping the sticker.

  6. Share your story

Instagram Shopping Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it cost money to use Instagram shopping?

Creating a shop is free and straightforward. As long as you are qualified and eligible, you can use Instagram Shopping free of charge.

How long does it take Instagram to approve Shopping?

It can take a few hours up to 2 weeks in some cases for the account to be approved for Instagram Shopping. If you haven't heard back after a couple of weeks, I would reach out to Facebook and see what the holdup is.

Why do I not see IG Shopping in my account?

If you do not see IG Shopping under Business Settings, it could means your account is still under review or it hasn't been approved by the platform.

Do you need a business license to sell on Instagram?

Permits and licenses may be needed to operate an Instagram Business shop. Check with your town, city or county clerk's office for information about local licenses and permits.

Can you sell alcohol on Instagram?

Facebook and Instagram users are not allowed to sell, trade, transfer, or gift alcohol or tobacco products, per a new policy.

How can I sell on Instagram without a website?

You can still create a simple payment process without a website. Adding an online order form is one way to get it. You'll be able to customize the form and link to it right from your Instagram bio.

Need Help Setting up IG Shopping?

If your brand looks to opening a shop right on Instagram to drive more sales, our team at Sphere Agency is here to help you venture into the Instagram Marketing landscape while fine-tuning your account to best suit your target customer. See our Instagram Marketing Service and contact us today!

Written By

Sphere Agency team

May 14, 2023

Written By

Sphere Agency team

May 14, 2023

Written By

Sphere Agency team

May 29, 2023

An Advertising Agency & Production House for Brands That Strive Forward.

An Advertising Agency & Production House for Brands That Strive Forward.

An Advertising Agency & Production House for Brands That Strive Forward.

An Advertising Agency & Production House for Brands That Strive Forward.